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Commercial vehicles make up one of the largest sales segments for lubricants, with typical oils and lubricants. Therefore, all lubricant manufacturers have products that can be offered to transport companies or technical maintenance companies that serve them. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers of lubricants do their job as well as engine design engineers expect.

PetronasPETRONAS develops its technologies together with major manufacturers such as MERCEDEC BENZ, IVECO, FIAT, NEW HOLLAND, CASE. These automotive and heavy machinery majors have entrusted their machinery to PETRONAS lubricants and use them as OEM oils. In addition, the list of approvals for PETRONAS engine and transmission oils specifications is impressive.

You can find recommendations for PETRONAS lubricants for your equipment by clicking on the following link: or

AZTECThe choice of AZTEC lubricants is extremely wide and meets the specifications of all major car manufacturers. As one of the largest and fastest growing lubricant manufacturers in England, AZTEC OILS has strived to ensure that the quality of its lubricants meets the highest standards and is audited on a voluntary basis.

More information on Commercial lubricants on AZTEC official internet pages.

AZTEC lubricant recommendations can be found by clicking on the following link:

Contact us for the right choice of oil for car engines or transmissions by e-mail or tel. No. +370 62820949