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Industrial lubricants

No other segment needs such a wide range of lubricants and knowledge in choosing the right product as for the lubrication of industrial equipment.

PETRONASPETRONAS range includes the main oils and greases used in industry as we;; as specific applications. Close cooperation with world-renowned equipment manufacturers and their approvals guarantee that the quality of PETRONAS lubricants far exceeds industry standards, and the protective properties and service life are much better than the engineers designed for the equipment.

You can find PETRONAS lubricant recommendations by clicking on the following link: or

AZTECAZTEC economy grade lubricants with a wide range of industry standards and equipment manufacturer specifications. Adapting to the customer's needs is the "horse" of AZTEC OILS. They can produce an oil that will address a specific customer lubrication problem.

You can find out more about the range on the manufacturer's website.

AZTEC lubricant recommendations can be found by clicking on the following link:

KLUBERKLUBER products are second to none in terms of quality, protective properties and long change intervals. Lubricants from this manufacturer can only be selected after detailed consultation with our lubrication  engineers. The investment in time and product will pay off many times over with reduced equipment maintenance costs.

General information on application areas, lots of interesting theoretical information by industry can be found on the official KLUBER LUBRICATION website.

OKSOKS is a manufacturer of specialty lubricants whose products are considered "problem solvers". If you choose the right product, you will not be disappointed and will never look for alternatives. "Right" is the key word because the range of products is wide and specialist advice is required.

General information and product descriptions can be found on the official website of OKS by clicking on this LINK.

To properly select lubricants or have questions, contact our specialist or tel. No. +370 62820949